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Foothill Ranch Middle School

Home of The Stampede

Foothill Ranch Middle School

Home of The Stampede

Policies & Rules

School Wide Policies

School Wide Policies

Foothill Ranch Middle School has established policies to help students succeed at school. Our policies will be applicable for students while on school grounds, while going to and from school, and during all extracurricular school functions on and off campus. The purpose of the policies is to preserve and protect the rights of all students. These policies are in addition to the District Policies, which can be found in the Twin Rivers Unified School District Student handbook.
The BIG 3

The BIG 3

  1. Be where you are supposed to be ON TIME
  2. Be respectful in words, actions, and learning
  3. Be prepared and organized through the use of your planner


  1. Respect for other people's  rights, property, and safety is expected of everyone.
  2. Fighting, bullying, hazing, threatening, or verbal/physical abuse of another person will not be tolerated. 
  3. Scooters, skateboards and roller skates are not to be used on school grounds during the school day.
  4. Disrespect or defiance to school personnel (teachers, substitutes, adult aides, secretaries, custodians, bus drivers, or volunteers) will not be tolerated.
  5. Obscene, profane, or vulgar language/behavior will not be permitted. 
  6. Students are not allowed to leave the school grounds unless authorized by the office. 
  7. We ask that students refrain from any public display of affection (PDA) during school hours and at school sponsored events. 
  8. A pass is required of any student out of class. 
  9. Only items from school-sponsored activities are allowed to be sold on campus.
  10. The use of any electronic device in any classroom of the elementary and secondary schools without the prior consent of the teacher disrupts and impairs the learning process and such use is prohibited by law.  (BP 5131; Ed. Code 48901.5; 7907)  Permission to use such devices may be given to promote educational purposes. Violation of this policy by any student may result in confiscation of the device and further disciplinary action. Lost or stolen personal items are not the responsibility of the school; they are brought to school at the student’s risk.
  11. Students may be assigned lunch time and after school detention by school personnel  for violating school rules.  Students who fail to serve assigned detention will be subject to further disciplinary action.
  12. As necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of students and staff, school officials may search students, their property and/or district property under their control and may seize illegal, unsafe and prohibited items.
Progressive Discipline Chart

Progressive Discipline Chart

The purpose of progressive discipline at FRMS is to teach students appropriate behaviors so they have the opportunity to be successful.

No handbook or policy manual can cover every disciplinary situation that may occur. Instead of trying to include every possible rule and consequence, it is much more effective to establish progressive system designed to layout a systematic approach to discipline.

The challenge of determining a range of potential consequences is to develop a means for staff to be consistent in dealing with unacceptable behavior and yet, retain the flexibility to decide what type of response would be the most appropriate and effective.

Implementing specific behavioral interventions while working with parents as partners in the process is critical in supporting student responsibility and success.

Click link for the Progressive Discipline Chart: